What Does It Mean To Have Peripheral Neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy describes a group of symptoms that often first appear in your feet, legs, hands or arms and includes some or all of:
- Constant tingling
- Pins and needles
- Numbness
- Paresthesia (abnormal sensations)
- Loss of feeling
- Balance problems
- Chronic or acute pain
- Burning sensation
- Shooting or stabbing pains
- Extreme sensitivity
- Problems with hot and cold sensitivity
Unfortunately, peripheral neuropathy is often progressive. Its symptoms may be mild at first, such as slight tingling or numbness, but it often progresses to be a chronic, life-limiting condition. It may start at the tips of your toes or fingers, then spread up your legs and arms. If you feel it in one leg now, you may eventually feel it in the other. If you feel it in your legs, you may eventually feel it in your hands and arms.
The medical community offers limited help. Discouragement and depression are a part of life for many sufferers because, currently, there is no cure for peripheral neuropathy.
Peripheral Neuropathy Goes By Many Names.
If you haven’t heard the term peripheral neuropathy, don’t be surprised. Many of our patients have seen their doctors and gotten a diagnosis for neuropathy without ever hearing that term. Not because the doctor missed it, but because it goes by so many different names.
There are a variety of names for peripheral neuropathy; diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nerve pain, chemotherapy induced neuropathy, and idiopathic neuropathy. There’s a long list of medical names, like polyneuropathy or mononeuropathy or other nerve damage descriptions that are in fact, all peripheral neuropathy. Many causes have been suggested such as autoimmune disorders, diabetes, alcoholism, chemotherapy, Agent Orange, other toxic substances, Lyme disease, and various prescription medications. Often, the cause is not known.
We Treat Patients With Many Forms Of The Condition.
Patients come to us with all types of peripheral neuropathy. It is not necessary to understand the cause of your peripheral neuropathy or even to have a formal diagnosis prior to visiting a Realief Therapy treatment center. We routinely work with referring physicians to coordinate care, if needed. The initial consultation with the Doctor will consist of an exam to confirm the existence of peripheral neuropathy. If the tests are negative, you will be promptly informed. If peripheral neuropathy is confirmed, and you appear to be a good candidate for care, the Doctor will recommend a treatment protocol specific to your condition. Patients with virtually all types of peripheral neuropathy have shown a significant reduction in their symptoms with Realief Therapy. The goal of Realief Therapy is to return you to a more normal life, unimpaired by your neuropathy.
If You’re A Peripheral Neuropathy Sufferer, There Is Hope.
We understand the pain, weakness and discomfort you’re living with, possibly better than anyone else. You want your life back. You want your relationships back. You’ve tried all sorts of peripheral neuropathy treatments, some your doctor recommended and some outside the mainstream. Nothing has given you real relief. Don’t lose hope. Realief Therapy has helped many people get their lives back.